From the Hamilton Directory of Community Services, COVID-19 Update, prepared by Canadian Mental Health Association, Hamilton
Last Updated April 16, 2020
Indwell is a charitable organization that provides a range of supportive housing options in the City of Hamilton. Independent apartments are offered with deeply affordable rents and supports that vary by building. These include access to mental health nursing, addiction support, social recreation, peer support, and housing supports. Select programs offer food security assistance. Services are accessible on site. For the duration of the COVID-19 situation, Indwell will continue to provide access to individual supports that can be sustained in a manner that maintains physical distancing. Many group activities are suspended at this time, and virtual opportunities for community connection are available. For more information about Indwell, please visit
Housing Help Centre
Provide help in finding housing, understanding tenant rights, preventing eviction and accessing subsidized housing. Currently closed at 119 Main St. E but offering support through telephone or email at 905-526-8100