Welcome to the Primary Care Community in the Greater Hamilton Area!

If you are new to practicing in Hamilton or just need a refresher on the Hamilton Primary Care landscape, we invite you to join us at HFAM!  There is a lot changing in primary care, with the development of Ontario Health Teams, a new Physician Services Agreement, and increasing need for more collaboration and integration than ever before. All of these changes can feel overwhelming – we can help you stay connected and up to date.

What is HFAM?

Hamilton Family Medicine (HFAM) is your one-stop shop for all things Primary Care in the greater Hamilton area. HFAM’s goal is to help ensure primary care providers have the best and most up-to-date information needed in order to provide the best possible care to our patients.

What is the GHHN?

The Greater Hamilton Health Network (GHHN) is one of 54 Ontario Health Teams across the province with a purpose of transforming healthcare in partnership with patients, families, care partners, primary care, local organizations and the community. For more information about the GHHN and Ontario Health Teams, check out the GHHN website at GreaterHamiltonHealthNetwork.ca

How is HFAM connected to the GHHN?

HFAM is the local Primary Care Network for the Greater Hamilton Area. It is affiliated with the GHHN and includes all primary care providers and organizations within the GHHN catchment area. Our governance structure includes a Primary Care Executive Group, a Primary Care Stakeholder Council, and a Primary Care Digital Caucus. The GHHN and HFAM work together to share in-kind tools, supports, and infrastructure to achieve goals.

Educational Opportunities:

  • Rounds: Rounds take place every Wednesday morning (8AM) via Zoom and are accredited for MainPro credits. All members of the provider team, including interdisciplinary health professionals, are welcome to attend. Email us at HFAM@GHHN.ca to receive invites.
  • Communities of Practice (CoP): While there are many CoPs you can get involved in throughout various organizations, we have established city-wide CoPs on gender affirming care and environmental sustainability. If you are keen to learn more about CoPs and how to get involved, email us at HFAM@GHHN.ca.

Hospital Information:

  • Given our patients interact with both hospital systems, Hamilton Health Sciences (HHS) and St. Joseph’s Healthcare Hamilton (SJHH), we recommend holding hospital privileges. There are various categories of hospital appointments from Affiliate to Active/Associate depending on your needs. If you are interested and keen to know more, contact the Chief of Family Medicine at SJHH, Dr. Katalin Ivanyi and/or Chief of Family Medicine at HHS, Dr. Joan Bellaire via HFAM@GHHN.ca.

How can I stay connected?

  • Newsletter: Sign up to receive our HFAM newsletters. We promise to not spam your inbox (who needs more emails?) and to only send you the most relevant and important information you might not get elsewhere. HFAM bulletins are sent once a week and ad-hoc urgent emails may be sent through out the week. Sign up by emailing HFAM@GHHN.ca.
  • Townhalls: On the first Wednesday of each month from 8:00 – 9:00AM, we host a virtual townhall open to any and all that are involved in primary care (physicians, interdisciplinary health professionals, administrators, etc.). These are great venues where there is sharing of any new information or updates relating to primary care practice, opportunity for discussion among colleagues and identification of issues for the HFAM network. To receive the invitation to join, email us at HFAM@GHHN.ca. If you sign up to receive newsletters, you will automatically receive invites.
  • Teaching, Learners, and Faculty Appointments: Family physicians are uniquely skilled and trained for full-scope and comprehensive patient care. The Department of Family Medicine at McMaster University is always looking for family physicians to share their knowledge and experience to advance the future of family medicine through your teaching. There are many teaching opportunities, from short-term to long-term learner engagements.  Teaching medical students, residents and other learners requires a faculty appointment.  The Faculty Relations team is there to answer all your questions about teaching opportunities and to help you easily navigate the faculty appointment process. You can email the Faculty Relations team at fmappts@mcmaster.ca.
  • Research: Are you interested in rewarding your curiosity and honing your skills to participate in research?  The Department of Family Medicine supports Primary Care Led Research in many ways.  To learn more, email them at pcrc@fammed.mcmaster.ca
  • Email: Please feel free to email us at HFAM@GHHN.ca and we will do our best to support you!

What do all the acronyms mean?

It’s tough keeping up with them all – even we forget! So, here’s a quick overview:

  • HFAM: Hamilton Family Medicine
  • GHHN: Greater Hamilton Health Network
  • PCN: Primary Care Network
  • HFHT: Hamilton Family Health Team
  • MFHT: McMaster Family Health Team
  • MFP: McMaster Family Practice
  • HHS: Hamilton Health Sciences
  • SJHH: St. Joseph’s Healthcare Hamilton.