Latest updates about the program. RAPID ACCESS CLINIC LOW BACK PAIN – Rapid Access Clinic for Low Back Pain (

For referral information to the program and information for PCPs, please refer to this page: Refer to RAC LBP – RAPID ACCESS CLINIC LOW BACK PAIN (

Online Resources for Self-Management of Low Back Pain

We recognize this is a challenging time for both you and the patients of Ontario as you try to navigate best resources and deliver appropriate care to those in need. We recommend the following online resources for self-management of low back pain and chronic pain management 

Interprofessional Spine Assessment and Education Clinic (ISAEC)

Back Care Canada

Toronto Academic and Pain Medicine Institute (TAPMI) 

Mike Evans video on Low Back Pain

Patient Education Handouts

In response to COVID 19, our team has developed two resources for patients who present with either flexion or extension aggravated symptoms.  Patients can be directed to these in the “patient resources” tab of hfam to download these.

Central Intake Office Status 

Please find attached correspondence from your regional central intake office 

Additional Questions

Contact the ISAEC Operations team at  

Specific Case Discussion

If there is a specific case you would like to discuss please contact the Practice Lead for your region- David Dos Santos 905.521.2100 ext. 44227