The Lancet Commission on Climate Change has identified climate change as both the greatest global health threat and opportunity of the 21st century. Health care contributes to this threat, as it is responsible for approximately 5% of Canada’s national emissions. However, we can be part of the opportunity; providing quality healthcare very often reduces healthcare’s environmental impact. Since 2019, the Hamilton FHT Green Initiative has been summarizing the evidence on environmentally sustainable healthcare, launching initiatives, delivering educational events, and creating many practical tools to share – and we are inviting you to join us.
This initiative is open to all of primary care in Canada. We have developed tools for five initiatives that are high quality care for patients and low-carbon, including:
- Respiratory health (MDIs)
- Plant rich Eating
- Testing and Treating for impact
- Preventative Health, including cancer screening and smoking cessation
- Prescribing Nature
We also have suggestions from our two pilot sites for reducing the impact of our office Emissions and Waste. Our resources include a series of evidence-based infographics, a monthly newsletter (sign up and see past issues here), free posters you can order, a webinar series (register here), EMR searches and prescription templates, patient facing videos, and more.
We love to collaborate. Email us here to get in touch.
PEACH Health Ontario
Partnerships for Environmental Action
by Clinicians and Communities
for Hospitals and Healthcare Facilities
Green Initiative
Hamilton Family Health Team