Please note that these are suggested resources and that each practice should vet every source for PPE to ensure safety and suitability.
If you have difficulty obtaining what you need from these local suppliers, the provincial government has provided a supplier list here.
Grand and Toy
- Seal-Shield Products
- Global Sneeze Guard
- Countertop Acrylic Shields
- COVID-19 Signage
- Keyboard Covers
- Masks
- Contact:
Plexiglass and Sneeze Guards
Campbell Glass
- Thin protective sheets (1/8” thick) to hang from ceiling
- Prefabricated pieces
- Custom work and installation (will come out to measure too)
- Turnaround time can be 1-2 days if cutting for pick-up (longer for custom pieces)
- Contact:
- 196 Ottawa Street North
- Hamilton, ON L8H 3Z5
- Phone: 905-545-1222
- Fax: 905-545-1362
- Email:
P&A Plastics
- Thin protective sheets (1/8” thick) to hang from ceiling
- Prefabricated pieces
- Custom work. Prefer pictures of workspace and measurements prior to production. Will not come out to install
- Turnaround is usually 1-2 weeks
- Contact:
- 150 Main Street East
Hamilton, Ontario L8N 3W9
- Phone: (905) 547-1675
- Toll Free: (800) 263-6559
- 150 Main Street East
Brooks Signs
- Prefabricated pieces
- Custom work
- Contact:
- 5 Worthington Drive, Brantford, Ontario, Canada, N3S 0H4
- Toll Free (800) 860-8011
- Phone (519) 753-6106
Master Signs
- Prefabricated pieces
- Floor stickers, floor pylons, window decals, anti-microbial film for common-touch surfaces (elevator buttons, washroom entry/lock buttons, touch screens, etc.)
- Contact:
- 25 McIntyre Pl, Unit 1A, Kitchener, ON, N2R1H1
- Phone: 519 749-1268
- Fax: 519 342-8207
Hand Sanitizer/PPE
Crescent Oil
- Masks/Face Shields
- Hand Sanitizer/Disinfectants
- Contact: 136
Cannon Street West, Hamilton, Ontario L8R 2B9
- Phone: 905 527 2432
- Toll Free: 1 800 263 6483
- E-mail:
Canadian Shield
- Face Shields
- Contact:
Dillons Distillery
- Hand Sanitizer
- Contact:
- 4833 Tufford Road Beamsville, Ontario Canada L0R 1B1
- 905-563-3030
Molly’s Soap Cambridge
- Hand Sanitizer
- Contact:
- 225 Elgin St. North, Cambridge, ON N1R 7H9
- (226) 318-0629
Niko Apparel
- Cloth masks with 3 layers that are washable for the staff and docs from Niko Apparel, a Hamilton company.
Where to buy scrubs
- Figs (consider bulk order cheaper to save on US shipping)
- Medelita (consider bulk order cheaper to save on US shipping)
- Marks Work Wearhouse
- GreenPaw
- Giant Tiger
- Dixie Uniforms
- Dr. Scrubs (physical locations)