HAMILTON, ON – Effective today, COVID-19 assessment and testing centres have moved to online booking. Residents requiring a COVID-19 test can book online by visiting ww.HamiltonCovidTest.ca.
Over the past several weeks, Hamilton assessment and testing centres and the Public Health Services phone lines have experienced a surge in demand for COVID-19 tests, resulting in the need for an online booking tool. Making the move to online booking will increase residents’ ability to book appointments faster and at their own convenience. Online booking will help to prioritize appointments for those people at greatest risk, symptomatic individuals and close contacts of confirmed cases.
To support this move to online booking and prioritizing patients at greatest risk, the number of walk-ins tested at the assessment centres will be limited, and residents who come to a testing centre without an appointment may be asked to book one online. The Public Health Services COVID-19 booking line will remain available for those who do not have access to book online and those who have accessibility needs. Public Health Services’ COVID-19 Hotline is 905-974-9848.
These changes will require patience from everyone during the transition to the new system of booking appointments, recognizing that demand for testing remains extremely high in Hamilton.
The community partnership of physicians, hospitals, Hamilton Paramedic Service, Good Shepherd Services and Public Health is continuing to refine this process to meet the needs of our community to ensure those at greatest risk are tested quickly.
Learn more about testing and assessment centres, and how to book an appointment for testing by visiting www.hamilton.ca/coronavirus/assessment-centres.
- Hamilton assessment and testing centres have experienced a significant surge in demand for COVID-19 tests resulting long line-ups at testing centres.
- Public Health phone lines have nearly doubled their call volumes in recent weeks, now averaging 2,000 calls daily, exceeding capacity.
- As always, regardless of need for a potential COVID-19 test, if someone is very ill and in need of immediate care, they should go to the nearest Urgent Care Centre, Emergency Department or call 911.